To copy (or import) your recorded videos from your iPod nano to iPhoto or iMovie, you first need to make sure the "Enable disk use" checkbox is selected for your iPod within iTunes.
To watch the video in iPhoto, double-click the recorded video.
![[Event Library]](
However, if you would like to import your recorded videos directly into iMovie '09 from your iPod nano (5th generation), follow these steps:
If you would like to import your recorded videos directly into iMovie '08 from your iPod nano (5th generation), follow these steps:
- Enable disk use and select the Apply button.
- Connect your iPod to your computer.
- Open iTunes (version 9 or later).
- Select your iPod in the Source pane.
- Select the Summary tab.
To import your recorded videos from iPod nano (5th generation) to iPhoto
- Open the iPhoto application if it doesn’t open automatically.
- Click iPod in the iPhoto device list.
- Select the video or videos to import. Click Import Selected or Import All.
- After the video or videos have been imported into iPhoto, choose either Delete Photos or Keep Photos when prompted to "Delete Photos on Your Camera."
To watch the video in iPhoto, double-click the recorded video.
To import your recorded videos from your iPod nano (5th generation) to iMovie
Once you've imported recorded videos to iPhoto from your iPod nano (5th generation), you should be able to see your footage in iMovie, under iPhoto Videos in your Event Library.However, if you would like to import your recorded videos directly into iMovie '09 from your iPod nano (5th generation), follow these steps:
- Make sure you have iMovie '09, version 8.0.5 or later, installed.
- Launch iMovie. The Import window* should open, displaying all the clips from your iPod nano (5th generation).
- Import all or select clips from your iPod nano.
If you would like to import your recorded videos directly into iMovie '08 from your iPod nano (5th generation), follow these steps:
- Launch iMovie '08.
- From the File menu, select Import > Movies:
- Select your iPod nano from the Device list on the left side of the import window.
- Your recorded video content will be in your DCIM folder. Select the desired clip and click the Import button to import into iMovie.