1. In your Excel worksheet window, press Alt+F11.
2. In the new Microsoft Visual Basic window, click on the Insert menu,
3. In the right hand pane, in the window titled "Module1 (Code)",
paste in the following function:
Function SumBold(CellRange As Range)
Dim sumb
For Each cell In CellRange.Cells
If cell.Font.Bold = True Then
sumb = sumb + cell.Value
End If
SumBold = sumb
End Function
4. Press Alt+Q to save.
Now in any cell in this workbook, you can enter the formula =SumBold()
to have it add up all bolded numbers within a range. You would use
=SumBold() in the exact way that you would use =SUM().
One caveat is that Excel does not appear to recognize bolding as an
event, so when you bold/unbold new items, the sum may not reflect the
new changes. You'll have to use Ctrl+Alt+F9 to have it recalculate
all formulas on the sheet.
For italics it's virtually the same code. Simply change the
following line from:
If cell.Font.Bold = True Then
And change it to:
If cell.Font.Italic = True Then
You'll also have to change the name of the function. So for a Sum of
Italics, the code would look like:
Function SumItalics(CellRange As Range)
Dim sumi
For Each cell In CellRange.Cells
If cell.Font.Italic = True Then
sumi = sumi + cell.Value
End If
SumItalics = sumi
End Function