I followed the steps here:
diskutil list
So the 2TB drive is clearly there.
Next step - diskutil unmount /dev/disk2
That didn't work ("disk2 was already unmounted or it has a partitioning scheme so use "diskutil unmountDisk" instead"), had to modify slightly to:
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
Also didn't work - "Unmount of disk2 failed: at least one volume could not be unmounted"
Therefore referred here and tried instead:
sudo lsof|grep disk2
Running processes were displayed:
fsck_hfs 889 root 4u CHR 1,7 0x1b0508000 693 /dev/rdisk2s2
fsck_hfs 889 root 5u CHR 1,7 0x1b0508000 693 /dev/rdisk2s2
So I closed these in Activity Manager
At this point, the Time Machine (albeit greyed out) showed in Disk Utility, so next step is First Aid there.
Having also then tried diskutil mount /dev/disk7s2 and getting the response Volume on disk7s2 timed out waiting to mount
I was about to give up. But then, as a last throw of the dice, I tried connecting to my Ubuntu desktop.
Immediately in Home Folder it showed as a mounted drive! So from there I went to Disk Utility, unmounted the partitions, erased and formatted them and then re-connected to Mac.
A Time Machine backup has now commenced.....