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Sunday, 2 August 2015

BT Home Hub5 - you win

Following previous post, I found to my amazement that a network outage (not even a power cut) was sufficient to knock my HH5 back to its reset gateway IP address.

Oh joy.

I decided this time to try and cut my losses, and move to that IP range. Which is sort of a reverse to previously.

First, I had to reset the static IP address on my Ubuntu router. Fortunately this was relatively simple and needed only a change in network settings. Then a check I could mount the network drives on Mac - all good.

Once this was done (and checked on Ubuntu that I could see webpages fine), I went into Mac's Network Preferences and changed settings to 192.168.1.x range. Then, with a spare ethernet cable, I went to the Billion router, the HH4 that I use as network extender, and my TP Link, and changed all these to 192.168.1.x range as well.

My HH5 was insistent that my password was incorrect and kept locking me out. So it now has a different default network name and wifi password. Meaning that for the first time, all connectivity is via the other routers rather than the HH5.

I'll change its SSID and wifi password tomorrow.

At least if this happens again (and it now seems inevitable it will), then the only place I will need to update will be those two items (and reinstall access control).