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Sunday, 30 March 2014

Adding Geo tags to photos

Good as my Sony NEX-7 camera is, it doesn't have GPS so my photos are not geotagged like they are on my Nexus 5 phone.

However, through a number of steps, and also referring to articles such as this one, it's relatively straightforward to add geo tagging to photos.

Firstly, install My Tracks from Play Store on phone. Then activate it while taking photos. Set the tracks files to be automatically saved to Google Drive.

Then take these steps to tag photos

1. Download My Tracks files from Google Drive as .kmz format

2. Go to

3. Upload a GPS file - use the file just downloaded

4. Output is GPX

5. In Adobe Lightroom, import photos to be tagged.

5. Then, also in Lightroom, Choose Map > Tracklog

6. Import the GPX file. Note that some of them may have more than one track (it will say so in Lightroom) so you need to go through all of these.

7. Choose the photos to tag

8. Adjust time zone if necessary - even though the phone is on local time when anyway, it still seems to use UK!

9. Auto tag selected photos - there will be varying degrees of success here!

10. Select photos on tracklog

11. Export

12. In Metadata, ensure Remove Location Info is unticked

13. Replace original photos with these new, then remove from Lightroom.

Other links: