Returning in the evening, I saw the MBP had booted into recovery mode. Recovery saw the external Time Machine backup, but not my HDD.
I therefore rebooted, disconnecting the Time Machine backup first (to see if this made any difference). It did. I now got three beeps, followed by a pause, then three beeps. So that suggested a RAM problem.
Back of machine removed, RAM reseated, reboot. Same problem.
Back of machine removed, RAM modules swapped around then reseated. Reboot. Same again.
Back of machine removed, original RAM modules replaced and reseated. Reboot. Same again.
Finally, back of machine removed, origina RAM modules taken back out again and reseated. Reboot. No three beeps!
Unfortunately this moved to the flashing grey question mark folder icon.
Slightly panicked now, as this could mean a motherboard problem - i.e. very expensive.
Took machine into work, kindly colleague took out current hard drive, replaced with another - it booted. Hooray - "just" a hard drive issue.
Decided to opt for an SSD this time. Ordered from Crucial.
SSD arrives. Easy process to remove existing hard drive and swap over.
Reboot. Go into Time Machine (now connected) to restore - hard drive not there to restore to. Uh-oh. Did I put it in correctly?
Quick search revealed it needs to be formatted first - so into Disk Utility, then choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
Back into Time Machine. Not enough room to restore the backup. Bit odd, as it shows available space as 450GB compared to a stated size of 480GB. That's a lot missing.
Never mind. Let's reinstall Lion and then apply restore selectively.
Lion reinstalled. Then login and straight on to install Mavericks as well. May as well do a bare metal install!
Now connect Time Machine. It wants to use it as a new backup drive. How do I make sure it doesn't wipe everything? Off to and take the "pink" route:
sudo tmutil associatedisk -a / /Volumes/Time\ Machine/Backups.backupdb/Old-MacBook-Pro/2013-10-21-053213/Macintosh\ HD
Time Machine now associated. And restoring.
Initial todo:
- Set dock preferences
- Set hot corner preferences
- Reinstall applications
- Add Status bar and Path bar in Finder
- Connect with bluetooth mouse
- Add secondary click option to mouse
Issues encountered (and solutions)
Can't view my own documents -
Mac HDD on desktop -
Server connection: smb//
App can't be opened -
1 Install Dropbox
2 Install 1Password and link
3 Install Crashplan
Apple Quartz Filters - rename folder AS Filters
iTunes filters - show Library folder -
Copy back from Time Machine
Terminal commands to disable Resume in Preview and QuickTime Player X:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false
Other initial installs:
Android File Transfer
Cache Out
Delicious Library
Disk Inventory X
Get iPlayer Automator
Google Chrome
Google Drive
Google Earth
Google+ Auto Backup
Music Manager
Open DNS Updater
Send to Kindle
The Unarchiver
restore mailboxes:
quit mail and restore the entire folder home directory/library/mail AND the file home directory/library/preferences/
Chrome remote desktop
iTunes scripts, podcast refresh -
Arrange by to None. Then, hold down the option key and press the Arrange button.
Final Todo's
Printer set up (still not working)
Delicious Library
Sugar Sync