Going from a screen with horizontal lines across it, to no display at all, meant I needed to order and fit a new one.
I got the screen here - http://www.laptop-power.co.uk/laptop-screens/acer/aspire/series-zg5/model-zg5.html - and followed the instructions here to replace the screen - http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Installing-Acer-Aspire-One-ZG5-Display/3786/1
EditStep 2
- Unlock the battery by sliding the switch located near the left hinge to the left "unlocked" position.
EditStep 3
- Slide the latch located on the opposite hinge from the lock while pushing the battery up.
EditStep 4 — Wireless Card
- Remove the two screws on the small panel towards the top left of the netbook with the Phillips #0 screwdriver.
- These screws are built into the panel so they won't come out freely.
EditStep 7
- Remove the 3.9mm screw located on the bottom left of the wireless card with Phillips #1 screwdriver.
EditStep 8
- Gently lift the wireless card from its housing starting with the side where the antenna wires were.
EditStep 9 — Keyboard
- Turn the netbook over and open the display so that the keyboard is facing you.
EditStep 10
- There are three tabs located on the top of the keyboard.
- Start with the spudger pointing towards the display and pry up to push each tab off the keyboard.
- As you move to the next tab, ensure the previous tab doesn't reset itself.
EditStep 11
- Lift top of keyboard up.
- There is a short ribbon cable connecting the keyboard to the netbook.
EditStep 12
- Disconnect the ribbon by lifting the black plastic hinge and removing the clear blue cable.
EditStep 13 — Top Case
- Close display and turn ZG5 over so that the battery compartment is towards the top.
EditStep 14
- Remove three 3.9 screws from the netbook with the Phillips #1 screwdriver. Remove the rest of the five screws from the netbook with the Phillips #0 screwdriver
- Three 5.8mm screw towards the bottom
- Three 3.9mm screw where the battery was
- Two 5.8mm screws underneath the rear feet near the hinges.
EditStep 17
- Remove the six screws from the metal casing using Phillips #0 screwdriver.
- Five black 4.7mm screws
- One silver 4.3mm screw on right
EditStep 18
- Gently lift the top case off.
- using the spudger tool, start at the back (the red circles)and slide the tool along the opening toward the front to release the mini clips. Forcing with hands may dammage the plastic top.
EditStep 19 — Internal Wireless Card
- Disconnect the two antenna cables located on the right of the LAN card.
EditStep 24
- Remove 4 screws:
- Three 3.9mm screws using Phillips #1 screwdriver
- One 4.7mm screw using Phillips #0 screwdriver
EditStep 25
- Using a Phillips #1 screwdriver, remove the two 3.9mm screws holding the display onto the motherboard.
EditStep 26
- Lift out the daughter-board on the right of the netbook.
- The daughter-board is attached to the motherboard by a short cable.
- Be aware of the ports on the right side of the daughter-board.
EditStep 28 — Display
- Remove the two 4.7mm screws from the right hinge using Phillips #0 screwdriver.
EditStep 34
- Remove the four 4.7mm screws from the two sides of the display using Phillips #0 screwdriver.
EditStep 35
- Unscrew the 4.7mm screw located on the left side of the display using Phillips #0 screwdriver.