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Friday, 13 May 2011
Change the Gmail Notifier mail check frequency
You can adjust Gmail Notifier’s mail checking frequency interval by accessing an advanced preference in the application. In this example we will change the email check interval to 3 minutes.
* Click the Gmail Notifier menubar icon
* Hold down Command+Option keys and click on “Preferences” in the drop down menu
* Enter the following information exactly in the Key and Value boxes:
Key: AutocheckInterval
Value: 3
* Note that AutocheckInterval is case-sensitive, the second number value is the minutes between checking.
* Click the “Set” button
* Quit and re-open Gmail Notifier
By default Gmail Notifier does not have a value set for AutocheckInterval, which can lead to extended lengths of time between email checking (hours if you’re away from your computer, and regularly 30+ minutes while at your Mac). You can also just manually adjust this setting by adding the value in a Plist editor.