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Friday, 29 October 2010

Android: Delicious Library to Shelves

This works very nicely:

Delicious Library

To import items from your Delicious Library:
  1. Open Delicious Library. Select the shelf of whichever item you're interested in from the side menu.
  2. Click File→Export→Export to another application....
  3. Select Delimited Text
  4. From the Export radio list, select Selected Shelves. From the Export Fields picklist, select E.A.N. and I.S.B.N.
  5. For a Delimiter, select Tab-delimited. Click Export... and save the file somewhere.
  6. Name the saved file to Delicious_Library_[Item].txt, where [Item] is the capitalized plural name of the item you're exporting.
  7. Connect your Android device to your computer by following the previous instructions.
  8. Copy Delicious_Library_[Item].txt to the root of your device's SD card. In most cases this is just the top directory. Its path should be /sdcard/Delicious_Library_[Item].txt
  9. Safely disconnect your device.
You can now import these items from the Settings menu in Shelves.