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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Accessing Yahoo Mail through Gmail with two factor authentication

Yahoo mail was previously set up in my Gmail account using the Accounts and Import part of Settings:

However, enabling two factor authentication on Yahoo (Settings > Account Security) stops this working.

The solution is - still within Yahoo Account Security - to add an App Specific Password 

Go to Manage app passwords:

I have added an option of Gmail. This produces a long password which is then used in Gmail *instead* of the Yahoo password - this acts as two factor authentication.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Getting a catalogue of own library in Google Play Books

This function is not currently available, nor is it easy to sort.

So the only alternative I could find was to scroll to the bottom of the library. Then select all on the page and copy into a text document.

This text document can then be pasted into a spreadsheet, blank rows removed, and re-sorted as necessary:
  • Add column to left with numbers ascending
  • Sort by column B ascending + column A ascending - this will group together all blank rows
  • Delete blank rows, then sort again by column A
  • Delete contents of column A, then put in formula in cell A1 of "=B2" (no quote marks)
  • Copy this down
  • Authors are now in column A, titles in column B
As authors are in <firstname, lastname> order, it's not as easy to go through them. This formula in the next column pulls out the surname:

=TRIM( RIGHT( SUBSTITUTE( A1 ; " " ; REPT( " " ; 100 ) ) ; 100 ) )